Spring Bonus for Stabilization/New Provider Success Grant Recipients:
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) is excited to be able to distribute $17 million in Stabilization funds. These funds need to be spent by September 30, 2024. The use of these funds is the exact same as your Stabilization/New Provider Success payments. Be sure to review the Allowable Uses and the Expense Documentation and Financial Reporting Resources attached to this communication. Please note: These funds may not be used towards the purchase of any single item that exceeds $5000 and any purchased items must be received by you at your place of business by 9/30/24. Remember that all expense documentation must be retained for a minimum of 3 years after the grant period ends on September 30, 2024.
The amount of the bonus will be determined by CDEC. You will be notified by MetrixIQ the amount you can expect to receive before payments are issued at the end of April. In order to receive this bonus, you must complete the application that will be sent to you by Metrix IQ on Friday, March 15th.
The applications will be sent to the primary email address on file. If you have not received the application link by this date, please check with others in your organization to see if they received the email, check your spam/junk folder, and if you are unable to locate the application links, please submit a request through the Submit a Request link at the top right of this page.
Health and Mental Health Grant:
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) is very excited to open the application for the Health and Mental Health Grant! This grant was offered Fall, 2022 and the response was so great that the grant opened and closed in five days. If you are interested in applying for this grant, please review the attached Round 2-Health and Mental Health Grant Application Guidance Document and the Health and Mental Health Grant Approved Services Menu. These funds need to be spent by September 30, 2024. Remember that all expense documentation must be retained for a minimum of 3 years after the grant period ends on September 30, 2024.
You will receive your individualized link from Metrix IQ the morning of Friday, March 15th. The application will stay open until the funds have been expended.
Please note: If you received funding from the Health and Mental Health Grant in the previous application period, you do not qualify for this award. CDEC is committed to awarding this grant to as many providers in the state as possible.
Licensing Incentive Bonus:
If you are a newly licensed program since March 11, 2021, you may be eligible for the Licensing Incentive Bonus ($5000 for centers and home or $500 for qualified exempt providers). Metrix IQ will send you an individualized application on Friday, March 15th. This application must be completed in order to receive this bonus.
These funds need to be spent by September 30, 2024. All expense documentation must be retained for a minimum of 3 years after the grant period ends on September 30, 2024.
And finally, you don’t have to be a UPK Provider to receive this Capacity Building Grant:
Though previous rounds have been tied to UPK, this round is open to all licensed providers in the state. These funds may be used for the purchase of classroom furnishings, education materials and supplies for the classroom, health care materials and supplies, technology to be used in the classroom for activities such as assessment and preparation for Individual Education Plans, curriculum and professional development. You will choose the categories your program needs and provide a description of what you would like to purchase. Unlike previous rounds of the Capacity Building Grant, you do not submit bids. Please note: These funds may not be used towards the purchase of any single item that exceeds $5000 and any purchased items must be received by you at your place of business by 9/30/24. Grants will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
These funds need to be spent by September 30, 2024. All expense documentation must be retained for a minimum of 3 years after the grant period ends on September 30, 2024.
Please note that you will receive multiple emails for each opportunity you are eligible for. If you don't receive applications for the grants you are eligible to apply for on March 15th, please contact Metrix IQ:
3. 720-305-9040
Office Hours with our Stabilization Grants Manager, Kristi Resler, will be available throughout the application period to answer your questions.
Office Hours for Spring Bonus Payments
· When: Fridays, March 22nd, March 29th, April 5th, April 12th · 1:00 – 2:00pm
· PLUS Wednesday, April 5th · 1:00 - 2:00 pm
· Where: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/evh-ymxo-ito
· Or dial: (US) +1 774-314-4091 PIN: 101 404 186#
· More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/evh-ymxo-ito?pin=3950758546305